Bellagio Art Gallery

November 4, 2009

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Reciprocal Links

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 8:45 pm

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Reciprocal Links

As far as reciprocal links are concerned, there are plenty of online link building resources such as Link Metro that are designed to create reciprocal linking networks which you can join for free. Spend a few hours sending out link invitations to establish yourself as an active member of the linking community, and you should find reciprocal invitations starting to land in your mailbox fairly quickly.

One slight anomaly of establishing a reciprocal link network in this way is that many of the people who send link invitations to you will be in a completely unrelated market. For example, there are many musicians and artists who use Link Metro who are likely to suggest establishing a reciprocal link. (For more detailed information on flipping websites as a way to make money on the internet.)

Some web masters suggest that you should only accept link invitations from people who are involved in your own business, but in my experience, I have not found that this makes any difference.

From what I have seen, it is far more important to establish a reciprocal link network than to worry about where those links come from (unless they are from a site which you really do not want to link to, which sometimes happens). For this reason, unless you have any real objection to a link invitation, I would recommend accepting, because this is the easiest way of establishing a reciprocal link network. (You’ll find great information here about how to flip websites for profit.)

build membership website

November 3, 2009

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Article Marketing-LSI

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 4:40 am

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Article Marketing-LSI

However, the concept of keyword density has become a little obsolete, as Google is now looking at articles in a different way based on a concept known as Latent Semantic Indexing.

Remembering that the importance of keywords to the search engine robots is that they enable them to identify the subject matter of any content materials correctly, the theory of LSI is that certain words or terms go together. For example, according to LSI theory, if you wrote an article about Microsoft then the name of Bill Gates should appear somewhere in that article. The name helps the search robot to qualify the meaning of the article, which is making the Google search algorithm far more accurate.

More and more people are beginning to write articles that are optimized for LSI. This is exactly what you should do as well. (For great information on flipping websites for making money on the internet.)

The way you do this is to write articles that contain two or three closely related keyword phrases. One of these keyword phrases should be a major keyword phrase, while one (or perhaps two, but definitely no more) minor keyword phrases are also included.

To give you an idea of how you would define major and minor keyword phrases, do a keyword search run for dog training using the free Word Tracker keyword research tool.

According to Word Tracker, there are more than 3000 people who are searching Google for dog training related information every day. The majority of these people use dog training as their search term, but all the way down this snapshot of the Word Tracker keyword list, there are plenty of daily searches.

There is no fixed number of how many searches a day you need to justify categorizing a search term as a major keyword phrase, but as an approximate rule of thumb, you can use 1% of the total searches shown at the top of the chart.

So, in this particular example, with just over 3000 searches every day, I would see any phrase with 30 searches and above as a major keyword phrase and anything below that would qualify as a minor term.

However, as youre going to use all of the keyword terms on your list at some time or another, it does not really matter how you mix and match them as long as there are a least a couple of keyword phrases in your article. It is extremely important that the article reads well too. (Learn how you can sell website to earn money from internet.)

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Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Social Bookmarking

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 4:40 am

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Social Bookmarking

Over the past couple of years, social bookmarking has become an increasingly important feature of the internet as more and more people choose to become members of the major social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon.

Doing so gives them the ability to bookmark sites, news stories and articles that they like so that other members of the site who have similar interests can view the same information themselves. Because the whole thing works on a digital version of word-of-mouth recommendation, the most popular stories and articles can very quickly be promoted to the homepage of the social site in question, and when that happens, you can expect to see thousands of visitors in the following 24 to 48 hour period. (You’ll find great information here about how to flip websites for profit.)

The majority of this traffic is likely to be temporary, but even if you can only retain a small percentage of these people as regular visitors, this will give your site a significant long-term traffic boost.

In order to score highly with a social networking site, the content that you submit must have something different or unusual about it. Whether it is controversial, challenging, humorous or unnerving, it has to be something out of the ordinary to be remarkable enough for people to vote for it.

In truth however, it is always hard to be an objective judge of your own content. You should always submit a bookmark to the social sites every time you publish new content anywhere on the web, whether it is something that you have added to your own site, an article that you have added to the directories, a video that has just been published on YouTube or whatever else it might be.

As there are with video networking sites, there are hundreds of social bookmarking resources, and it would be impossible to submit your information to each of them every time you publish something new. (Check out this site on how to sell a website at

However, you can cover a significant number of the major social bookmarking sites by using the services of OnlyWire, which at the time of writing will submit your social bookmark to 27 of the leading sites:

While in theory your story or article could land on the homepage of a site like Digg and drive 20,000 visitors to your site in the following 48 hours, the chances of it happening are slim.

Nevertheless, submitting your information to the social bookmarking sites is important, because every time you have something published by any social site, you create a one-way incoming back link to wherever that particular submission is linked.

This is an effective way of building a link network ultimately focused on your site, and this in itself justifies the effort of submitting your information to the social sites every time you publish.

create a membership website

November 1, 2009

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Free Press Releases-Natural Links

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 5:40 pm

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Free Press Releases-Natural Links

While there are many legitimate things that you can do to help generate one-way incoming links, it is absolutely essential that the link network that you build appears to be completely natural. To use a simple example, if you have no incoming links today and 1000 incoming links tomorrow, it is obvious that this did not happen naturally.

In any natural link network, there will be both outgoing and reciprocal links, as well as those that are one-way incoming. It is essential that when you start to build a link network for any individual site, you make sure that there are some links that are outgoing and also some that are reciprocal. It is not difficult to create links of this type. (Learn how you can sell website to earn money from internet.)

As you will read many times in this report, there are lots of ways of creating one-way incoming links, and many of them are naturally tied into the free traffic generation strategies that you should be adopting after reading this book. Generating one-way incoming links is not difficult, nor is there anything untoward about creating links in the way that you will read of in this book.
It makes sense to generate a few outgoing links right at the beginning, and to put in place a system to generate reciprocal links that will develop over time.

The outgoing links that you create should go to authority sites in your marketplace, or to general centers of information such as Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MSN, and so on. The reason that you would do this is that although you have to have some outgoing links, you do not really want your visitors to follow them (once they leave your site, they may well not come back), and by keeping these links very generic, you reduce the chances of this happening. (Check out this site on how to sell a website at

opt in list building

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Networking With Forums

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 5:40 pm

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Networking With Forums

The next step is to find forum and noticeboard sites in your market, because forums are sites where people with the same interests come together to discuss, debate and ask questions about the particular topic that interests them. If you can find active forums where people who are already interested in your niche congregate, you already have a captive market of people who are naturally interested in what you have to say. (Check out this site on how to sell a website at

In order to find these sites, the most effective first step is to search Google, because you know that Google ranks natural search results in order of popularity. This means that the most popular forum sites are automatically listed at the top of the search results page.

You search by appending the topic of your site to the word forum. As an example, if you want to find people who are interested in discussing dog training related matters, you would search dog training forum in Google.

As you can see, there is no shortage of forums in this particular market, so you would simply start at the top of the search results page and work your way down:

You should be looking for two things in a forum or noticeboard site.

Firstly, you need to be involved in a site that is active. The more active the forum is, the more it indicates that the members are enthusiastic and involved in their subject matter. These are the people with whom you most want to communicate and make a connection.

Secondly, you need a forum where you are allowed to add a signature file. A signature file is a short text based advert for your business that is most commonly added to your forum profile so that it can be appended to every posting that you make.

Because most forums do not allow a signature file to be a blatant, in-your-face advert, you have to be circumspect when creating your signature file. However, in many ways this is an advantage because it enables you to be seen as a purveyor of information, rather than as a sales person.

When you find a suitable forum or several forum sites, all you need to do is create a suitable signature file and then get involved. When people ask questions that you can answer, do so, and start your own threads as often as you can.

The major objective is to establish yourself as a go-to expert or authority in your marketplace, a person to whom other people can refer when they need information or assistance. If you can do this properly, there is no need for blatant promotion or advertising because your expert status will sell your product or service on its own. (For more detailed information on flipping websites as a way to make money on the internet.)

The bottom line is, forums are sites where you can sell your product or service without having to do any selling, because people will buy if they know that you know what youre talking about. Hence, it is all about establishing your authority or expertise in your market, and the sooner you start to do that, the more effective it will be.

Forums are great places for meeting other people who are already involved or interested in your own market. Consequently, you know that these people are exactly the kind of folks that you want to draw to your website.

If using Google does not turn up the forum sites youre looking for, try using a forum directory like Big-boards or Forum Showcase to find what you are seeking.

build membership website

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-One Way Incoming Links

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 5:40 pm

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-One Way Incoming Links

Okay, so that is two thirds of your link network established. The only remaining aspect of linking to deal with is the most important one, establishing one-way incoming links. We will deal with this on a step-by-step basis as we go through this report.

However, one final thing to mention is the internal linking structure of your site. While everything we have dealt with so far has concerned external links, your site must be linked together in a logical and effective way on an internal basis as well. (Learn more about a great way to make money from home by flipping websites.)

For example, you must have a site map on your homepage so that your visitors and the search engine robots can find their way around. It must be possible to reach every page of your site from the homepage in no more than three clicks, and anyone who visits an internal page of your site should be able to get back to the homepage with a single click.

In addition to the homepage, you may well have other business-critical pages on your site.

For example, if a part of your business is building a prospect mailing list (which it always should be), then you might have a name-capture or squeeze page which is designed to do nothing more than collect a visitors e-mail details.
This is an extremely important page for your business, and you should therefore have links from most of the other internal pages of your site that point at this squeeze page. This accords the maximum amount of incoming link power (or link juice as it is often known) to that page, which in turn indicates to the search engines that this is an important page. (For great information on flipping websites for making money on the internet.)

The bottom line is, links are extremely important and becoming ever more so by the day. Hence, even though this report is primarily focused on sending human visitors to your site, you should always keep links at the forefront of your mind no matter what traffic generation tactics you are thinking of using.
Beginning the free traffic landslide journey
Having made your web site search engine friendly, the next step is to start to publicize your site by telling the world what it is you do, and where you are to be found.

There are literally dozens of ways that you can do this, ranging from the ridiculous and whimsical to the highly professional and effective.
The rest of this report is going to be focused on making you aware of as many professional, effective (and free) website promotion strategies as possible, but I have not attempted to list every traffic generation strategy of which I am aware.

To do so and to explain every one of them in sufficient detail to make them usable would require a book several times longer than this one. Instead, I have focused on the traffic generation strategies that I know from my own experiences are the most effective, and have tried to explain each of them in enough depth to enable you to begin implementing them immediately.

So, if on your internet travels you come across alternative free advertising strategies that you think might work, go ahead and give them a try. However, when do so, you must ensure that you continue with the free traffic generation strategies that are already working for you, in case the new idea that you are trying out does not work.

With that slight note of caution, lets move on to begin to look at how to generate a free traffic landslide for your site in a month or less.

As far as possible, you should try to action each these steps in the order that they are set out, because not everything you read of will work at the same speed, and the ones that will take the longest are the ones that you are going to read about now.

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