Bellagio Art Gallery

October 27, 2009

Off-Page Search Engine Optimization-Links

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 8:20 pm

Off-Page Search Engine Optimization-Links

Off-page optimization is all about one thing and one thing only links.
As suggested previously, Google pay very little attention to standard on-page SEO tactics like using meta-tags nowadays, although the domain name that you choose to build your site under is as important for Google as it is for any other search engine.

Nevertheless, as far as Google is concerned, the only thing that really matters in terms of SEO is the links that your site enjoys.
A link occurs when an active hyperlink for your site appears on another website somewhere on the web. How this link gets there is something that we will study in a little more detail shortly, but as a very broad and generalized guide, Google assume that every link that comes into your site is a vote for the quality of the materials that you feature on that site. (You’ll find great information here about how to flip websites for profit.)

In essence, the more incoming links you have, the more Google will take that as a sign that your site must be offering valuable information and a high-quality experience to your visitors, and consequently, they will rank your webpage more highly as a result of these links.

However, not all links have the same value.
For example, a link from your site to someone elses has very little value, for the reason that you are linking to them rather than the other way round.
A reciprocal link, a situation where you send a link to someone elses site and they do the same back to yours has some value, because of the fact that they are willing to reciprocate.

However, the most valuable of links are those that come from external websites to yours, which are not reciprocated. These are known as one-way incoming links, and as far as Google is concerned, these represent the most valuable badge of your sites quality. (For great information on flipping websites for making money on the internet.)

From this, you might imagine that the ideal scenario would be to have only one-way incoming links, but, as with many things related to Google, it is not as straightforward as this. Google employ some of the smartest engineers and analysts in the online business industry, and they know that there are ways of tweaking the system so that you can acquire incoming links through your own efforts.

As a simple example, it is possible to buy one-way incoming links from many web sites. However, as far as Google concerned, this is a form of cheating the system (online marketers prefer to use the phrase gaming, but it means the same thing), and they are not in favor of it! If they suspect you have been buying links, it is likely that they will remove your website from their search results pages altogether.

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