Bellagio Art Gallery

October 22, 2009

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-More On Articles

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 9:45 pm

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-More On Articles

What youre doing here is following the age-old theory of advertising, which is to do everything you can to get your prospect to do what you want them to do right now. The bottom line is, if they read your article and dont click on your link to visit your site, then they are never going to do so, so it has to be now or never.

Your article should paint a word picture of just how much they will benefit from following your advice, or what will happen if they dont take the action that you want them to take. Tell them how they can use the product that you are recommending, and how it will enhance their life when they do so.

Finally, make sure that you tell them why they have to do it now, and what to do in order to take action. You might be surprised to see how many people will take action as long as you instruct them to do so and tell them exactly what they have to do.

However, while you build up to the final call to action throughout your article, you do not include the final instruction of what your reader should do to take advantage of whatever it is you offering in your article. This may sound a little strange, but bear with me for a moment, and it will all become clear.

All of the articles that you create in this way are going to promote your business because you are going to submit them to article directories. When you do so, you have to upload certain supporting information. (Learn more about a great way to make money from home by flipping websites.)

You have to submit a two or three sentence summary of your article.

Many would-be article marketers are very lazy and are content to use the first two or three sentences of their article for this short summary, but this is a big mistake.

Some of the article directories are extremely popular with the search engines, as (for example) articles from the leading directory site, EzineArticles regularly appear in the Google top 10 search results.

When this happens, the short summary you add to your upload is the description shown on the results page (in black) directly beneath the title (in blue):

Consequently, if your description is not persuasive and hard-hitting, there is a very good chance that the searcher will ignore your site to look elsewhere, so using the first two or three sentences of your article as your description is a very poor choice.

Next, you have to add a list of keyword phrases. Most sites limit the number of characters you can use, but use as many of them as you can by listing as many keywords as you can think of.
Finally, you have to add the Resource box, which is a short description of you and your business. Most article authors use the resource box in exactly this way they will add some information about themselves or their business. You should not do it this way, because there is a far more powerful and effective strategy.
You should write your resource box as if it is the last paragraph of your article, the paragraph in which you stress that the reader has to do something, now. (You’ll find great information here about how to flip websites for profit.)

You do this because it is only in the resource box that you can include links to your site, with a general rule being that you can include up to three active hyperlinks. I would recommend that you include one hyperlink that is the URL of the page that you want the reader to visit, and one more hyperlink that is a link contained within the main keyword term that your article is focused on.

Finally, before you upload your article, check whether the directory site you are going to upload your article to accepts photographs, and if they do, whether those photographs are published next your resource box (as they are by EzineArticles):

As you can see, the photograph immediately draws your attention to the resource box area of the page, so you should always do this if possible.
With your article ready to upload, you have a choice of how you upload your article materials.

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Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Exchanging Traffic

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 9:45 pm

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Exchanging Traffic

A lot of the time, traffic exchanges get a bad press from most of the people who are actively involved in online marketing. The majority of people who are running a business online have tried traffic exchanges (when they first started out) and found that they didnt do what they hoped. Consequently, most online marketers dont take traffic exchanges seriously.
However, most people fail with traffic exchanges because they do not use them in the correct manner. They make the mistake of trying to sell a product or service using traffic exchanges, ignoring the fact that almost no-one ever buys anything through a program of this nature. (For great information on flipping websites for making money on the internet.)

If on the other hand you adopt a different approach, traffic exchanges can be a very valuable resource for sending visitors to your site and for building your business.

The average traffic exchange program works on the basis that you have to look at someone elses webpage for 15 or 20 seconds, and in return, the traffic exchange you are working with will show your webpage to other members of the site. Hence, a traffic exchange is a very simple way of generating a guaranteed flow of visitors to your site.

However, there is no point in trying to sell something through a traffic exchange. No sane person is ever going to make the decision to buy a product or service in 15 or 20 seconds.

However, if you use a traffic exchange program to present a squeeze page that is attached to your site, then it should be easy to encourage people to sign up for your prospect mailing list. Once people have done this, you can send them product recommendations and suggestions as often as you want and this is the best way of building your business for the long term.

The secret to making this work is giving away a valuable free gift to anyone who subscribes to your mailing list from the traffic exchange program with which you are working. Very few people are going to sign up for your mailing list if all you are offering in return is a subscription to your newsletter, but if you can offer a free gift of value, then many of the people who see your traffic exchange page will subscribe. (For more detailed information on flipping websites as a way to make money on the internet.)

When you register for a traffic exchange, you do so under a particular category that then dictates that you will be shown sites from the same category and your page will be shown to other members who have registered similar interests. Thus, your advertising is targeted.

Giving away software is always a good idea it has value because most people are incapable of creating software and e-books are also a good bet.
Just make sure that whatever it is you are giving away is targeted, and you will generate traffic and add names to your prospect mailing list by using traffic exchanges in this way.

build a membership website

October 21, 2009

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Video Marketing

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 4:20 am

Off-page Search Engine Optimization-Video Marketing

Without any doubt, the traffic story of the last couple of years has been the boom in video marketing. In the same way that you market using articles, you create a video, submit it to one of the major networking sites like YouTube, and send traffic from that video to your site.

Another similarity with using articles to market your site is that making videos is far easier than you might imagine. Creating videos to publicize your business can be as easy or as complex as you want it to be, because effective video marketing does not depend on the quality of the video materials that youre using. What really matters is the message that your video purveys. (Learn how you can sell website to earn money from internet.)

Perhaps the most important thing about using videos to market your business is to make sure that people can find your video in the first place.

To do this is simple. All you need to do is to ensure that the title and description of the video that you upload to the networking site is targeted for your market. It doesnt really matter what is in your video as long as the accompanying information (written things like the title, description and so on) are targeted.

There are many ways that you can make videos to promote your business, and all of them will be equally effective as long as the accompanying information is carefully crafted.

For marketing purposes, you only need a video of two to three minutes duration, because beyond this, viewers will lose focus and concentration.
The simplest way of making, publishing and marketing video is to find half a dozen or so still images that can be pulled together as a video presentation, almost like a PowerPoint presentation (which is another option).

If you have a series of digital images that you can use for this purpose, you can edit them together using a program like Windows Movie Maker, Wax or ZS4 and then publish this video to the network sites. If you dont have a supply of suitable images, see what you can find here.

Alternatively, you can upload your digital images to animoto to create a 30 second video short that can be uploaded to YouTube automatically from within the site. (For great information on flipping websites for making money on the internet.)

You may be able to create a screenshot video if you can demonstrate what it is that you want your visitor to see on your computer. In this case, there is free screen shot video software available at CamStudio that will do a perfectly acceptable job for you.

However, there is no doubt that most of the people who use video networking sites like YouTube do so because they want to be entertained.
Videos that show real people doing stuff are more popular than video montages of still images or screenshot videos. For this reason, if you can create a video of this nature, it is likely to be far more popular.

However, the key to video marketing success lies in making sure that people can find your video, and this comes down to the title, description and keywords tags that you add when you upload your video.

Here is the best way of adding this information when you upload your video, using dog training as our target market, and YouTube:

The first thing to note is that the title is a keyword that we are targeting, and the description is also used to target as many keyword phrases as possible.

In addition, the first line of the description is the URL of the exact page on your site to which you want the video viewer to go after they have finished watching the video. By including the URL in this way, you create an active hyperlink that will be displayed right next to your video every time it is shown. Not only does this make it considerably easier for your video viewer to visit your site, but it also creates a one-way incoming link every time you publish a video, and video networking sites like YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video and Revver are sites that have already acquired very high Google Page Rank.

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On-page Search Engine Optimization-Content

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 4:20 am

On-page Search Engine Optimization-Content

Once you have your meta-tags sorted out, there is only one other aspect of on-page search engine optimization that you need to consider, and that is the content that you feature on your site.

When the search engine robots come to your site, they will scan the content materials that you feature, such as articles, news stories and so on.
When they do so, the objective is to try to work out what it is you are writing about, because this defines what your site is about. For this reason, it is absolutely essential that your content is based around your keyword terms.

As an example, if you have a dog training site, and one of the keyword terms that you are focusing on is dog training accessories, then you should have an article that features this particular keyword phrase several times on a page with a URL something like
Having a list of appropriate keywords is an essential element of every aspect of online marketing, because you must always have a list of keyword phrases to hand before you start building your site or promoting it. (For more detailed information on flipping websites as a way to make money on the internet.)

However, keyword research is a subject which merits an e-book on its own, so it is not something I intend to cover here. Try any or all of the following links where (at the time of writing) there are free keyword research guides available:

With your keyword list in place, here is a quick and simple way of mastering the art of creating high-quality, keyword focused content for your site.

Run a standard Google search using the keyword phrase that youre focused on lets continue with dog training accessories for the purposes of the illustration because it is the search phrase that you want to build content around. (Learn more about a great way to make money from home by flipping websites.)

What you have here are the top natural search results for the phrase dog training accessories. This is telling you that these are the sites which Google considers to be offering the best quality information to visitors who are looking for details about this particular subject.

Thus, it is simply a question of visiting the top rated sites yourself, reading what they say, and then re-writing the same materials in your own words, but doing it better! Dont copy word for word that is plagiarism and a very quick way of landing yourself with a lawsuit but there is nothing wrong with rewriting the materials and then adding them to your site, because there is no copyright on information.

list building

Wouldn’t You Love a Great Smile

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 12:45 am

Wouldn’t You Love a Great Smile

There she is, across the crowded room. She is a vision, the girl of your dreams. She gives you the eye as you walk closer. Her eyes are a beautiful sky blue and her hair is perfection. You reach out your hand to introduce yourself. She could be the one. You picture your future children but more importantly you picture how jealous your buddies will be when they see her with you. Then she smiles and suddenly your perfect girl is not so perfect.

We see them everywhere, on television, in movie theatres, and on the cover of magazines. Thats right, Im talking about a shiny white smile. All the actors have perfect smiles. (Friends, if you are too skinny, go here to gain weight woman.)

Of course most celebrities have spent many years and thousands of dollars to get those incredible smiles because they know that a white smile can make or break a career and even a relationship. But anyone can have a great set of teeth at a fraction of the cost celebrities spend.

Everyone would love to have great smiles like their favorite actor. However not everyone is born with wonderful smiles and strong healthy teeth. There are millions of Americans without health insurance let alone dental coverage.

Millions of Americans simply cannot afford insurance. It comes down to, do we buy food or insurance. Do we pay the electric bill or get insurance. This should not be the case. Dental and medical insurance should be affordable, even for the working poor. (Interested in weight gain for women? Find out more here.)

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Winning Ways Of Waxing For Hair Removal

Filed under: Internet Marketing — admin @ 12:45 am

Winning Ways Of Waxing For Hair Removal

If you’re not totally committed to following through the waxing process, no matter how much it hurts, you may just want to go to a salon and let a professional do it for you. But be aware that waxing at a salon can get pretty pricey, especially if you want to remove hair from large areas. Just to give you an idea, usually it’s about twenty five dollars for bikini line hair removal.

Today, there are several kinds of waxing hair removal products available – With warm waxing being the most often used. (Heres where you can find more detailed information if you want to gain weight for women.)

Cold wax comes in a paste or gel that isn’t heated before applying it to the skin. Getting the wax from the container and controlling the thickness to the skin is what makes most cold waxes so messy. It’s not quite as effective and less preferred than a warm wax. But if you have sensitive skin, a cold wax causes less skin irritations.

If you choose to use a waxing hair removal product at home, read all instructions that come with your kit carefully.

Always test a small area of skin for sensitivity or an allergic reaction.

Your hair needs to be a little bit long, about an 1/8″, for the best results with this type of hair removal product. So if your hairs are longer, trim them down. If shorter, allow them to grow in a bit.

With this method of hair removal, you don’t want to bathe beforehand. Hair absorbs moisture which makes it soft and harder for the wax to adhere to. Dry hair is tough and/so easier to pull off. Lightly powder your skin to absorb moisture and natural oils. This will keep hairs easier to pull, which will limit inflammation.

Some people exfoliate the area before waxing to remove dead skin cells that can contribute to ingrown hairs.

Do not overheat the wax. You don’t want to burn your skin. Lower the temperature of the wax for facial hair and only use it on one small area at a time.

The consistency of the wax should be soft, not runny.

Hair removal by waxing can break the hair, which is a main cause of ingrown hairs.

To avoid ingrown hairs, apply a thin layer of wax in the direction the hair grows. If you’re using a strip over the wax, rub it in the same direction. Leave about one third of the strip free so you can get a good grip for pulling it off fast.

Pull your skin taut and then pull the strip back, not up or out, in one smooth movement. Don’t be timid – Slight pulls will only leave patchy areas as well as cause more pain.

After waxing, remove any excess wax with a warm moist towel, being careful not to touch the skin with your hands, which might cause an infection. (Heres where you can find more detailed information on weight gain and how to gain weight healthy.)

When skin is freshly waxed, limit creating ingrown hairs and other skin irritations by not wearing tight clothing around the area.

Another way to limit severe skin problems after using a waxing hair removal product is to exfoliate the skin one to two days later. This will help prevent dead skin cells from building up.

Be careful not to expose the newly waxed area to the sun for at least forty eight hours or the skin may darken, but not in a good way. And always use a good sun blocker thereafter.

Be aware – Using a waxing hair removal product usually leaves a redness, so if you’re doing it for a special occasion, do it a couple of days beforehand.

Now, if you decide waxing may not be for you, there are alternatives. Do some research and you’ll find other hair removal products that are not quite as, uh, “intense”.

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